Have you thought much about our endangered species here on earth?
Rarest Mammal in the World
Please allow me to introduce you to the “World’s Rarest Mammal” today, the Javan Rhinoceros.
“How rare are they?”, you ask.
Well, according to rhinos.org, there’s only 63 to 67 Javan Rhinos, total!
They all live in Ujung Kulon National Park, West Java, Indonesia.
There are NO Javan Rhinos documented in captivity either!
I’m no expert, but with only 60 or so in existence, I tend to believe they just might be the World’s Rarest Mammal.
Rhino Protection Units
It appears as if their population has stabilized a bit, primarily because they are guarded by “Rhino Protection Units”.
At one time, their habitat was fairly wide-spread.
Extending from Northeastern India all the way down through Southeast Asia. Sadly, poaching has been a major factor in their rapid decline.
What is it that brings my attention to the plight of the Javan Rhino?
On The Rhino Trail in London, U.K.
This work of art standing near the Southern Entrance to Kensington Palace, of the world’s rarest mammal, the Javan Rhino is the cause of this post!

This is just one (1) of twenty one (21) Rhinos spread across Central London.
It’s an effort to call more attention to the plight of all endangered species, but especially the Rhinoceros.
The Rhinos will be here until 22 September 2018, which just happens to be World Rhino Day.
This project is to benefit Tusk.org, which is a charity set up with the mission to “amplify the impact of progressive conservation initiatives across Africa.”
On 23 September they will all be taken away, cleaned up, touched up where necessary, then “herded” off to Christies Auctions.
On 09 October they will be an auctioned off.
All 21 of these works of art will be auctioned by Christies, here in London, with the proceeds going towards Tusk.
Along the base is an explanation about the painter of this one, Axel Scheffler, and the writer of the children’s book “The Gruffalo”, Julia Donaldson.
The Ugly Five
Painted on the Rhino are the “Ugly Five” (from Donaldson’s newest book “The Ugly Five”).
Who exactly are the ugly five?
They are the Wildebeast, Warthog, Spotted Hyena, Marabou Stork & the Lappet-Faced Vulture. Scheffler included each one on this Rhino.
While on safari, Julia heard about these five, so she decided to write a book celebrating them!
The 22nd of September, 2018
If you’re in London, U.K. before the 22nd of September and want to see all the Rhinos on the trail, here is a map, with the link at the bottom as well.
I hope to have the time to follow the entire trail & I’ll try to take photos of all the Rhinos, then post them on these pages, for your viewing enjoyment.
Please don’t let that be an excuse for you coming into London to see them … or even bidding on any of them at auction in October.
To register your interest in the auction, please email “info@tusk.org” with the subject of Rhino Auction, or ring them at (+44) 01747 831005.
With your help, Javan Rhinoceros may not be the world’s rarest mammal much longer.
Thanks for stopping by today & spending a bit of time with me & my journey through life.
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Be bold & I’ll see you again soon,
Some resources for you:
Tusk’s “about us” page:
Tusk’s Rhino Trail page:
A Graphic showing the former & current population distribution of the Javan Rhino:
A bit about the Javan Rhino from Rhinos.org.
A little different writeup about the Javan Rhino from worldwildlife.org: