Mindset Success in Life

Speaking with Confidence

Speaking with Confidence

What thoughts pop into your head when you read those words… Speaking with Confidence?

Like most people, you may have instantly thought “I don’t do public speaking so that’s not something I need to worry about.”

Buzzzz! You are ever so Wrong!

Think about it for a minute…

Confidence is the cornerstone of everything you’ve ever done in life!

Have you always had the confidence that you could ride a bicycle or drive a car or write reports, or anything you’re now pretty confident about?

Nope. Probably not.

It took some practice.

But with a little self-talk, or self-thought, and a certain amount of practce, you became confident about it.

Let’s say you are tired of being underpaid and overworked, but you like your job. 

Or you like the boss, feel some loyalty towards the company or something like that.

But you want to make more money in your job.

The first step you must take is to be more confident in your abilities, which requires you to Speak Confidently to yourself, about yourself.

Then you must practice becoming worth more to the company.

The better the self-talk, the more & better the practice, the more confident you become, the more likely you are to get that raise.

To voluntarily improve our lives, to learn something new, to do something different, requires a certain degree of confidence, which we can acheive by speaking to ourselves about it.

Speaking with ourselves about our own confidence is a very important step towards appearing confident towards others.

Appearing confident to others is the primary way we gain the recognition & respect we desire.

This usually leads us to making more money by getting a better job. 

This confidence then leads to the lifestyle we desire and even the partner we want.

TEDx Talks

Today I found a great TEDx Brixton Talk ( about the Secret to Speaking with Confidence, by Caroline Goyder, given late 2014.

Go to the bottom of this post and Watch it.

Listen to Caroline.

Don’t just listen, but really hear what she says.

The secret to Speaking with Confidence may just suprise you.

It’s definitely within reach of every single one of us!

I hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for spending a bit of your day with me today.

I sincerely hope it’s been time well spent for you and I look forward to spending some time with you again very soon.
