I Can belief Mindset Success in Life

Mindset and Marketing go Hand in Hand

Continuing on from the previous post, let’s stay on the subject of mindset, and especially the mindset needed in marketing.

Too often I hear people use the word “can’t”, as in “I Can’t” or “You Can’t” do that.

As has been said and proven time and time again, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re probably right.”  Really, it’s self-explanatory and self-fulfilling, but let’s dig into it just a bit.

A quick look through history will confirm that most the great ideas & achievements have come from those that believed “I Can!”

When was the last time you heard an Olympian say “I never thought I could win, but it just happened anyway”?

I’m willing to guess the honest answer would be Never!  I know I’ve never heard one say that.

Every Olympic athlete I’ve heard spoke with or heard in an interview had the belief of “I Can!” not just in their mind, but running through every fiber of their body. 

It’s the same thing all through out life.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a race car driver, marathon runner, astronaut, or whoever.  They all shared the belief of “I Can!  They believed it completely and totally.

Now don’t think for a minute that believing “I can” will guarantee that you will succeed and win.  It normally takes hard work, the willingness & ability to learn in addition to focused actions to put it all together into a package we call Success! 

It’s just that without the “I Can” belief, most people are not even coming close to putting in the effort necessary to do anything but maintain the status quo or fail.  And status quo for too long a period of time, especially in business and marketing, almost always means failure. 

Winners and the Successful People are in those categories because they first accepted the belief that they indeed could “do it”, then they learned what was necessary to focus on, and the actions needed to get into the position to be a Winner or to be Successful in business or life in general!

I believe there are NO born losers or winners, just those who are either unwilling or willing to do what’s needed to rise to the top of their chosen profession and/or society. 

Are you among the minority who are willing, or the majority who are unwilling? 

One of the most beautiful things about humans, is that we can be unwilling for months, years or decades, then decide we are Willing, Ready and Able to take on the challenge to change our selves and our life! 

When you’re angry enough with your position in life, be aware enough to make the decision to do what’s necessary, then stick with it! 

Remember, only you can define what success is to you, so it is always within your ability to do what’s needed to make that change!

More to come soon and I’m looking forward to seeing you here again.


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