
Imitation is NOT Flattery

That’s right, contrary to what you may have heard over the years, Imitation is NOT Flattery… Imitation is just lazy theft! Now, before you yell and scream and call me all kinds of names, really think about it for a minute or two. Today’s post was begun as a way to rant a bit about […]

I Can belief Mindset Success in Life

Mindset and Marketing go Hand in Hand

Continuing on from the previous post, let’s stay on the subject of mindset, and especially the mindset needed in marketing. Too often I hear people use the word “can’t”, as in “I Can’t” or “You Can’t” do that. As has been said and proven time and time again, “Whether you think you can or can’t, […]


The Most Important Tool

Hi, thanks for spending a bit of Your valuable time with me today.  I really do appreciate you! You came here today out of curiosity. Curious about what I write about, what I believe, or maybe just why? Whatever the case, stick with me for a minute or two and decide whether you agree with […]